
7 tips to fight heartburn and ease digestion during the holiday season

Holiday meals are a time for celebration and enjoyment, but they can also lead to digestive discomfort. Follow these tips to make the most of the festive season without worrying about digestion issues.

1. Eat slowly and chew your food well

Digestion begins with chewing, a process that breaks down food into smaller particles so your body can absorb it better. Taking your time to chew each bite not only enhances digestion but also helps prevent heartburn and discomfort. Eating too quickly, especially during big meals, puts extra strain on the stomach, leading to heaviness and bloating.

2. Avoid heavy meals before bedtime

A large meal just before bed is a common cause of acid reflux. Try to finish your meal a few hours before going to bed to give your stomach time to digest. If you must eat late, take a short walk afterward to aid digestion.

3. Opt for small portions

During festive meals, enjoying small portions of each dish is often more satisfying and healthier. This way, you can taste everything without overloading your digestive system, reducing the risk of discomfort and heartburn.

4. Limit trigger foods

Certain foods can irritate the stomach and cause heartburn, particularly rich, spicy, or acidic dishes. If you know these foods can be problematic, consume them in moderation to avoid a burning sensation.

5. Incorporate digestive herbs into your meal

Some herbs, known for their digestive benefits, can help your body handle rich, festive meals. For example:

  • Mint (spearmint or peppermint), known for its carminative properties, aids in expelling intestinal gas, which relieves bloating. It’s perfect in teas or as a flavoring for dishes.
  • Lemon balm is often used to soothe stomach discomfort. In tea, it helps to ease digestion after a large meal.
  • Black radish, rich in vitamins, has tonic and purifying properties that stimulate appetite and aid digestion. Add it to salads for a refreshing effect.
  • Ginger is widely known for its digestive benefits, especially in alleviating nausea. It can be added to dishes for a spicy kick or taken as a supplement.
  • Artichoke is ideal for digesting fats. It stimulates bile production and aids in breaking down fats, while also helping to regulate cholesterol levels.

6. Elevate your head slightly while sleeping

Acid reflux is more likely to occur when lying down, especially after a large meal. Slightly elevating your head can reduce reflux and support better digestion.

7. Keep GERDICID® on hand for quick relief

Even with these precautions, it’s still possible to experience heartburn. In these moments, GERDICID® offers fast and effective relief, so you can enjoy holiday meals without discomfort.

With these tips, you’re ready to enjoy holiday meals without worrying about digestive discomfort. Happy holidays and bon appétit!